OK! We're back. As Billy Madison would say, on with the chlorophyll!!
I saw Valkyrie this past weekend and I'd have to say, despite reports to the contrary, it was an enjoyable flick. Not the greatest movie I'd ever seen, but worth 5 bucks (I paid $7, it was worth $5) and 2 hours of my life. I think if you forget that he's absolutely crazy, Tom Cruise did a good job in the movie...BUT, I found myself the whole time NOT being able to forget that he's nuts so
that kinda tainted his performance, at least how I viewed his performance, a little bit. If you like history, it's worth seeing. You'll enjoy learning about one of the more successful, unsuccessful attempts on Hitler's life by people from his own regime. The one real complaint I have about the film, and it is entirely understandable due to the time constraints of one movie, is that they didn't really do a good job of truly portraying how terribly bad Adolf Hitler really was (they made it abundantly clear that they wanted to kill him, but they didn't really say why except that he was "the sworn enemy of all the earth", which I guess is enough, but doesn't really explain much). They didn't develop the background and lead up to the assassination plot as well as I would've liked, but doing a thorough job of telling the story of WWII would take like 500 movies, so in reality, they did the best they could in 2 hours time.
The BCS National Championship game is tonight. I'll watch, because there's two great teams playing so it should be an exciting, entertaining game, but it is a joke that this matchup will determine college football's national championship. I hope somebody, ANYBODY can make a Division 1 playoff happen,
sooner rather than later. I simply HATE the BCS. And I don't really hate much in life. I hate the BCS, hot tubs where the jets/bubbles don't work and warm beer. There's probably a much, much longer list of things I really, really don't like (University of Michigan, people who are illogical, bold-face liars, University of Arizona and the city of Tucson in general, bad weather, melted sno-cones, etc.); but I don't HATE those things, I just really, really don't like them. Hate is a strong word. Anyways, I suggest reading this article from Rick Reilly about this year's version of college football's annual mess.
that kinda tainted his performance, at least how I viewed his performance, a little bit. If you like history, it's worth seeing. You'll enjoy learning about one of the more successful, unsuccessful attempts on Hitler's life by people from his own regime. The one real complaint I have about the film, and it is entirely understandable due to the time constraints of one movie, is that they didn't really do a good job of truly portraying how terribly bad Adolf Hitler really was (they made it abundantly clear that they wanted to kill him, but they didn't really say why except that he was "the sworn enemy of all the earth", which I guess is enough, but doesn't really explain much). They didn't develop the background and lead up to the assassination plot as well as I would've liked, but doing a thorough job of telling the story of WWII would take like 500 movies, so in reality, they did the best they could in 2 hours time.
The BCS National Championship game is tonight. I'll watch, because there's two great teams playing so it should be an exciting, entertaining game, but it is a joke that this matchup will determine college football's national championship. I hope somebody, ANYBODY can make a Division 1 playoff happen,

The NFL playoffs are entering their second weekend. I'm thinking we're headed for a Steelers-Ravens AFC title game. The Steelers are good and I love that Ravens defense, Ed Reed is simply incredible. Every game he has like 4 interceptions and runs one of 'em back for like a 60-110 yard touchdown return.
That said, one or both of those teams could lose this weekend b/c the NFL is such a crapshoot. Same with the NFC. I would think we're looking at a Giants-Panthers title game and I would be a little surprised if the Eagles or Cardinals win on the road this weekend, but I wouldn't bet a single dollar on any of those games. I could get a 5 piece Wendy's nugget with that dollar so it's not worth risking.

Oh, I forget to make my prediction (flat out guess) for tonight's game.
Florida 38, Oklahoma 34
Until next time....
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