Friday, October 31, 2008

Making An Entrance...

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

Wow, that seems like I'm under some intense amount of pressure now doesn't it? This blog (and specifically this first entry) better be good. The realist in me understands that outside of a few friends and family members, no one is actually going to read this, so that certainly alleviates some of the self-imposed pressure. Regardless, even if I'm the only one reading it, I promise it will be good. I have very high standards for myself, as all of you should have for yourselves as well. Not just for your blog (if you have one), but for everything you do in life.

This blog, starting today, Halloween 2008, will cover a variety of topics. My thoughts on various aspects of life, insights into my own life and anything else I really feel like writing about (it's my blog, right?). The title of my blog is not some pompous, arrogant attempt to demean those reading it, but simply a reflection of the fact that I will more than likely jump around with my train of thought, topics covered from post to post, etc. I hope I don't lose you all with what at times I suspect will seem like borderline rambling and general incoherence.

I've got a lot to get off my chest, 22 (23 on Sunday) years of life I've got figuratively bottled up and with this blog I've finally removed the lid. Pandora's Box I will attempt to avoid, but I make no promises. I hope to bring you educated, opinionated and insightful commentary on everything from sports, economics, politics, movie reviews, personal experiences and maybe even a mailbag or two if I get enough feedback from the millions of readers I hope to gather.

I'll get right into it with my next post, I won't bore you with an introductory autobiography, you'll find out what you need to know about me, and probably more, as time goes on. Barring some unforeseen event between now and Tuesday (November 4th aka Election Day), I'll definitely have a post about the election. Hopefully I'll have time to get in a post about Halloween (today) and my birthday, which is Sunday (November 2nd). Send all gifts to a PO Box I've set up specifically for this occasion, the address is... just kidding.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Justin said...

Do your thing son.